Sick and tired
Today I finished my last report that’s due at the beginning of the month. The three big reports went exceptionally well this month, and the little fourth one that I did today, as an afterthought, was not sorely missed sooner.
It’s still been a tough week. I have been busy and I have been sick; I got sick I think largely because I have been (outside of work, and by my own choice) too busy. I have barely been able to keep a lid on the most basic part of my “ordinary” job, expedites. In fact today I got a message from one of my boss’s colleagues asking why I had so many and would I please clean them up? I wasn’t sure why G.J. was asking about this but it turns out she is temporarily taking oversight of the expedites as my boss is so busy managing the daily emergencies coming out of that other factory that’s being shut down.
He is so busy dealing with the emergencies from the Ex-Plant that he felt it necessary to give me one of his daily tasks. I have heard that my presence has been sorely missed in shipping–I told them I would not be able to help for the first few days of the month, but I suppose I will have to get back to it. Right at the end of the day two people were pinging me on instant messanger, I was on the phone and my cell phone was ringing. The cell call was not work related so it doesn’t really count but it captures the feeling I have of being needed in at least three places at once. I feel sure that when my boss gets back from being on vacation next week he is going to want to know why something isn’t done. My guess is something to do with the late shipment analysis.