The sky is falling
November 13th, 2009Today at one point I had someone sending me instant messages telling me we would get national attention if I couldn’t ship this order that had been promised on the basis of someone misreading our stock on hand as 57 pcs instead of 0. Meanwhile I was talking to my boss’ boss about an order that was going to get his boss’ boss’ attention if we didn’t find some way to ship it sooner than December.
I should have told the crew down in shipping that I didn’t have time to help out today but I have been telling them that a lot and I would rather it be my boss who tells them that. Because my boss is the one who agreed I had enough free time to help in shipping. So generally speaking I think it would be better for me to take care of friends that I work with and let the boss’ work get late until he decides not to promise them that I can help them.
I was so freaked out by all the stuff I absolutely had to do today that when I got it done an hour before I was supposed to leave I didn’t know what to do. There was still lots I could do, to be sure, but nothing I could think of that I could get a proper start on with my brain quivering like a mouse on crack and only an hour left.