According to Felix, Dell has been a very bad boy….
In the staredown between Dell and Nasdaq, it’s the stock exchange, not the computer company, which blinked first. Dell hasn’t filed any of its last three quarterly reports, nor its annual report for 2006, which means that, by rights, the Nasdaq should delist its sorry ass. And the Nasdaq surely would – if it wasn’t dealing with, you know, Dell. The legendary PC maker which trades tens of millions of shares a day, and which has a market capitalization of over $60 billion. Which means, basically, that Dell is too big to delist.
I vaguely remember hearing that Dell was having problems with their accounts awhile back. But I had not realized that it was this bad. Who would have thunk that Dell would fail to file a quarterly report, much less three quarterly reports and one annual report.
How the world does change.