There is the smell of barely suppressed panic in Atlanta's air

From The Atlanta Journal-Constitution….

Technically, we’ve been in at least a moderate drought for more than a year. In August, the drought was upgraded to a D4, or exceptional, level. That’s the top of the drought scale, the equivalent of a Category 5 hurricane. And based on global weather patterns, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration projects below-average rainfall for at least another year.

Suddenly, you can almost feel a bit of panic ripple through official circles. If the drought doesn’t break, there’s now talk of reservoirs eventually running dry, of drinking water supplies possibly endangered. And last week, the state banned all outside residential watering in the metro area, as it should. But it’s late in the game, and we should have done a lot more a long time ago.

This is going to become an increasingly big issue. Everyone wants to move south because they love the weather. But somehow, they just magically expect the drinking water to follow them from the North. To make matters worst, they waste tons of water keeping their lawns a northern shade of green even in high summer.

They just don’t get it. In the north the grass has to die in winter. In the south, it has to die in the summer. Fighting this is a fool’s game that you are going to lose in the long run.

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