Idang Alibi’s rant entitled “I Agree with Dr Watson” has everything we want in a good rant. It is heartfelt, politically incorrect, and it hits hard. Yet we were reluctant to post this rant to Ethereal Voice because of how people on the internet were approaching Mr. Alibi’s rant.
The predictable howls of outrage from the liberals and other professional victims did not concern us. But the smug satisfaction from a certain group of conservatives/libertarians who feel that IQ is some total of a person’s worth gave us pause. What is the point of posting a rant that makes people feel smug?
But Mr. Alibi’s does not really believe that IQ matters in a way that many conservatives and libertarians do. His lament is really related to moral character of his culture. We who live in more functional cultures then Mr. Alibi read his rant and feel fear, not smugness. 500 years ago, most European cultures were no more functional then his. If we keep destroying the moral underpinnings of our cultural, we will go back to that level.
We’re doomed.