Rant of Week: 3/9/08-3/15/08

We were trying to avoid selecting another Sippican Cottage blog post for rant of week. We did not want to make it seem like every rant of the week was going to come from him. But this one was just too good to pass up.

For those that don’t already know it, we should point out that Sippican Cottage lives in the great state Massachusetts. Recently, that state passed a law requiring people to purchase health insurances. That means that if the state deems that you can pay for it, you have to pay for it. Otherwise you have to pay a large fine.

To say that Sippican Cottage was unhappy about this new law would be an understatement. When it was first past he just about blew his top. Now that it has been in place for a while, his rant is not as explosively angry as his first one was. But his rant still has the air a barely suppressed rage as he warns America what to expect from universal health care.

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