While we have been primarily focused on the problems in the US we have been ignoring things that have been going on around the world.
Here is a list of some of the things we have been ignoring.
The fact that the giant Large Hadron Collider broke down the first time they tried to use it.
The contaminated milk scandal in China.
The huge truck bomb that went off in Islamabad.
Thabo Mbeki is resigning under pressure from the fans of Jacob Zuma. Mbeki has his problems, but Zuma is a thug.
Ehud Olmert is finally leaving office. In the short term he is being succeeded by Tzipi Livni who’s claim to fame is that she used to be Mossad agent.
NASA is going to have a press conference on the Sun. Seems that solar winds are at a 50 year low in addition to the fact that there have been few solar flares.