A Note On Semantics

From the New York Times…

“The Chinese are probably one of the few people in the world who were sorry to see President Bush go, and are nervous about his successor,” said Kenneth G. Lieberthal, a visiting fellow at the Brookings Institution who worked on China policy for the Clinton administration.

You can’t use “few” to refer to the Chinese people. There are more then twice as many people in China as there are in Europe.

More to the point of the article, if Obama repairs relations with Europe, but America’s relations with China deteriorates, it will be a net loss for America. This is largely outside of Obama’s control regardless of what he says. So I am not trying to blame him.

But people who are celebrating the fact that America’s image is improving all around the world should take a good hard look at who is important and who is not. In the real world, some opinions matter more than others.

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