Links For Today


Ukraine Situation Report: Counteroffensive Criticism “Pisses Me Off” Says Top General

Alarming antibiotic resistance discovered in war-torn Ukraine


The Ultimate Bubble

New UPS Trucks Will Get Air Conditioning After Years of Driver Demands

SCOTUS “gave universities a narrow opening, and Harvard just announced it’s going to drive an affirmative action truck right through it”

5 Megawatt solar plant destroyed by hail

A long and very informative read on the problems facing the Grid. The predictability of power generation is slowly going out the window. Predictable, firm sources of electricity (such as coal plants) are being removed from the grid, and being replaced by sources of electricity generation such as wind and solar, which fluctuate in their output based on whether the wind is blowing or the sun is shining. Between 2011 and 2020, roughly 1/3rd of US coal plants were shut down. By 2030, that’s expected to fall by another 25%. By contrast, of the 150 gigawatts of new electrical generation projects being tracked by the EIA, 2/3rds of them are wind or solar projects.

Texas Endures Another Heat Wave

For the first time, six fast-growing states in the South — Florida, Texas, Georgia, the Carolinas and Tennessee — are contributing more to the national GDP than the Northeast, with its Washington-New York-Boston corridor

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