Links For Today


Israel-Gaza Situation Report: No Decision Yet To Storm Gaza’s Largest Hospital

The effectiveness of 10 out of 24 Hamas battalions has been broken, according to the IDF.

Stubborn Core Inflation Helps Explain Some Fed Restlessness

Are fires that take out highway overpasses a new thing or am I just now hearing about them? This is the second major one this year albeit for a different reason then the one down in PA but I don’t ever remember a highway overpass being taken out by fire during any other year of my life. I am sure it has happened, I just don’t remember it. What—or Who—Caused That Devastating Freeway Fire in Los Angeles?

Crime, and carjackings specifically, is so out of control in Washington, D.C. that this wouldn’t even be a story if there was not a connection to the president’s granddaughter.

This dude is not real grounded in reality, but these are all legitimate news stories he is linking to that I have also been keeping an eye one.

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