Links for Today


If you don’t have time to read down to the end, it seems like the reason that the US is suddenly seeing these things and shooting them down is because they have tweaked their radars in response to some intel to stop screening out slow flying objects. A U.S. Air Force F-22 Raptor has shot down an object over Canada’s Yukon Territory, per a Tweet from Canadian Prime Minister Justin Trudeau.The shootdown is the second such incident in two days and the F-22’s third ‘kill’ ever, after the shooting down of a Chinese high-altitude balloon a week ago. Trudeau tweeted he spoke with President Joe Biden on Saturday afternoon about the incident, and that Canadian forces will recover the object’s wreckage.

Insulated from war, quake brings ‘first catastrophe’ to Syria city

Saudi Arabia And Russia Face Off Over Chinese Oil Market Share

Piece of sun breaks off, stuns scientists: ‘Very curious’

A Black Professor Trapped in Anti-Racist Hell

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