You can cry all you want, it will not do you any good

From the Telegraph…

Russia has halted all gas supplies to European countries including Turkey and Greece.

As best as can tell, this is a bit of stretch on the Telegraph’s part. Some gas still seems to be coming through. But some countries are facing serious problems. From Spiegel….

Earlier on Tuesday, Bulgaria’s Economy Ministry announced that all Russian gas supplies via Ukraine to Bulgaria, Turkey, Greece and Macedonia had been halted on Tuesday morning as a result of the dispute between Moscow and Kiev. “We are in a crisis situation,” the ministry said in a statement. Bulgaria relies almost entirely on Russian gas for its needs and has no access to alternative pipeline routes and with temperatures in the country dropping to minus 15 degrees Celsius (5 degrees Fahrenheit) overnight, the government is asking businesses and households to use other fuels.

The EU is in its normal crisis response mode. In other words, they are crying like babies. From later on in the same Spiegel article….

On Tuesday the European Union called the sudden cutoff of gas supplies “completely unacceptable.” In a strongly worded statement, Brussels complained that gas had been cut “without prior warning and in clear contradiction with the reassurances given by the highest Russian and Ukrainian authorities.”

I guess the much vaunted soft power that the EU supposedly had is not doing it much good. Maybe they should try paying tribute.

Edit: Does it count as tribute if you pay it in the name of another country?

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