It may, in some sense, be a good thing for the use of credit cards to be curtailed. Should it come to it, I will miss my free money from Amazon . . . but it was rather insane really.
What struck me most from the first article you linked was the statement, “Many retailers are angry at the high fees and plan to pass them on to shoppers once the Congressional legislation takes effect.” I could see this having more effect then credit card companies deciding to charge more fee to customers in good standing. And I think the retailers are right to be angry at the high fees. So even if I didn’t start getting charged fees by credit card companies, if the retailers started passing on to me the outrageous fees they were being charged I would switch to using cash.
Re: second link on Chase . . . I also got the same notice that Felix mentioned. This was an usually high month for me also. Not sure if there is a relation, but it kind of annoyed me that they would suggest I skip paying. At first I was a little concerned they wouldn’t even let me know how much of my current balance was actually due this month (but I did find it).
It may, in some sense, be a good thing for the use of credit cards to be curtailed. Should it come to it, I will miss my free money from Amazon . . . but it was rather insane really.
What struck me most from the first article you linked was the statement, “Many retailers are angry at the high fees and plan to pass them on to shoppers once the Congressional legislation takes effect.” I could see this having more effect then credit card companies deciding to charge more fee to customers in good standing. And I think the retailers are right to be angry at the high fees. So even if I didn’t start getting charged fees by credit card companies, if the retailers started passing on to me the outrageous fees they were being charged I would switch to using cash.
Re: second link on Chase . . . I also got the same notice that Felix mentioned. This was an usually high month for me also. Not sure if there is a relation, but it kind of annoyed me that they would suggest I skip paying. At first I was a little concerned they wouldn’t even let me know how much of my current balance was actually due this month (but I did find it).