Links For Today Posted on August 10, 2021 by The Editor Our concern that shutting down hospitals to “flatten the curve” would kill people was dismissed by the health establishment. They knew better. The ABS analysed every single doctor-certified death in Australia and compared it to the five years between 2015 and 2019. According to the ABS, cancer deaths are up by 8.9 percent. We sacrificed our businesses to protect the elderly in nursing homes. Dementia deaths are up 18.9 percent. The health establishment is taking victory laps over a reduction in influenza death thanks to our closed borders and social distancing. Deaths from respiratory diseases are up by 1.9 percent. The labor market ran hot, real wages fell “What Do Full Hospitals Really Tell Us About COVID?” Thank the Babylonians, not Pythagoras, for trigonometry The rise and fall of Andrew Cuomo, New York’s glowering heavy