Pennsylvania Income Taxes vs New York State Income Taxes

Pennsylvania Income Tax rate is this….

Pennsylvania has a flat tax rate of 3.07 percent on individual income, with no personal exemptions.

County, municipal and school district taxes also are collected. Those rates can be found at the Department of Community and Economic Development Web site.

Pennsylvanians who live on a modest income may qualify for the state’s Tax Forgiveness Credit.

New York State Income Tax is this….

New York collects state income taxes using a progressive, five-bracket system.

For single taxpayers:
— 4% on the first $8,000 of taxable income
— 4.5% on taxable income between $8,001 and $11,000
— 5.25% on taxable income between $11,001 and $13,000
— 5.9% on taxable income between $13,001 and $20,000
— 6.85% on taxable income of $20,001 and above.

For married persons filing joint returns, the rates remain the same but the income brackets are doubled.

New York City has its own tax rates and brackets. The state’s earned income credit has increased to 30 percent of the federal credit. The credit helps taxpayers offset increases in living expenses and Social Security taxes, reduces taxes owed and in some cases can even provide a refund to filers who do not owe any tax. File Form IT-215, Claim for Earned Income Credit.

Obviously, Pennsylvanian income taxes are far lower then they are in New York. But the really disgusting thing is how ridicules the income brackets are in New York State. I mean, I can see making below 20, 000 a different tax bracket. But making between $8 grand and 11 grand a separate tax bracket? Simply absurd.

Information taken from this site.

3 thoughts on “Pennsylvania Income Taxes vs New York State Income Taxes

  1. What’s, truly, ridiculous is that you are an adult that can’t spell ridiculous.

  2. Whats even MORE ridiculous is, someone decided to take the time to be an asshole about a simple spelling mistake that doesn’t take anything away from the valuable information you provided.

    I some guess people are just desperate for connection….

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