Let us try to get this thing up and running again

We will start off slow….

Three people are arrested after Trump supporters are doused with pepper spray as they clash with protesters during Make America Great Again march in Huntington Beach . I don’t like linking to the Daily Mail, but the pictures are worth it. It seems that the “anti-fascist” left has tried the same tactics to many times in a row. It is starting to produce a counter reaction where people are ready to pay them back in kind. I don’t think that is a good thing for the country as a whole, but it is to be expected.

An Unexpected New Lung Function Has Been Found – They Make Blood. An article on new science that actually may be worth the hype.

How Pakistan Is Planning to Fight a Nuclear War. Not a lot new here for those who have been keeping up. But how many people have been keeping up on this issue? If you have not been keeping up on this issue, the comment section might be even more educational then the article, if only to show where some peoples heads are at.

“Dig once” bill could bring fiber Internet to much of the US Seems like a common sense idea and rare example of bipartisanship that is actually good for the country. But as always, the devil is in the details. How do you decided (and how many reams of paper work does it take) who gets to pull cable? What if anything do they get to pay? What kind of constructions standards do you mandate for the pipes? That said, it does not seem like those problems should be insurmountable.

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