Latest Talk about nuclear weapons and Wagner

Late night talk is that Wagner has taken Rostov which is the headquarters of the Russian Army in Southern Ukraine (i.e. supposedly the place where all the supplies come from). It also supposedly controls some tactical nukes.

There is enough video evidence that Wagner has taken Rostov that I am fairly confident that has occurred but I don’t know what that means in terms of Wagner now having enough supplies or having the nukes. Just taking the nukes don’t mean that you can use them and usually they are locked with codes and what not. But then, if you are type of group that post videos of people getting their heads smashed with sledge hammers, what are the chances you can convince some people to help you around the codes?

I think it is kind of of crazy to try to take over Russia with 25,000 men (if you believe Wagner), but if you are that type of crazy going for some nukes would make a lot of sense. It is not like you are going to live if you fail…..

This video production quality is not high but it shows why Rostov matters….

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