Links For Today


Toll in Moscow terror attack up to 133; US intel official: We warned Russia of a plot

Video circulates showing Russian security agent cutting off the ear of an apprehended terrorist suspect and forcing him to eat it

Ukraine rejects claims of Western pressure over attacks on Russian oil facilities

Vessel Struck By Projectile, Catches Fire Off Yemen’s Coast

Attacks on Iranian gas lines effective, but not enough

Link refers to the UK. All poultrykeepers will be required to log their flocks on the national register this autumn – even if they own just a few birds in a backyard flock.

Over the last 50 years, American ice cream consumption has plummeted.

The Republican majority in the House will soon be down to just 1 vote

New York High Schoolers Stage Walk-Out Protest Against Transgender Agenda

And by 2100, almost all countries (97%) are expected to have fertility rates below the replacement level of 2.1 children per woman, the same report concludes.

‘Once-in-a-lifetime’ cosmic explosion set to light up the night sky, NASA says

An old link but since I refer to this law from time to time it is a useful reminder of what it is about. Freddie Finds The Law Of Merited Impossibility

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