The pro-Ukraine sources are getting excited and not because of the southern offensive.
These are the types of breakouts that you keep paratroopers and other quick reaction forces on hand so that they can buy you time. I guess now we will find out how many of them the Russians have left after using them to man the line down south……
This one might be pure propaganda but it gives you a taste of what is out there..
This is the pro-Russian view. You can tell they are worried when they start explaining that they are really fighting NATO and not Ukrainians…..
This is a Ukraine view in counter to the above……
All that said, there is always a real risk of overextensions on these kinds of things. This is a true test of the mobility of the Russian arms. If they have reserves of any significance left, they should be able to pincer this attack and it might even help them now that the Ukrainians are out of the trench. But if they tied up their best troops holding the line then this will be textbook example of why your elite forces are supposed to be in reserve (where Napoleon famously kept his Old Guard for example).