Pondering the Battle of Bicocca

The Chief’s essay “Pondering the battle of Bicocca” is bizarre. Who else would compare the United State’s Air Force to the Swiss Pike Formations? But we think that it makes a nice change from the typical talk about the US Military.

This was the first essay that the Chief ever wrote for his web site, so the writing is not his best. But nobody reads the Chief for good writing. Rather, they read him for interesting ideas.
Click Here to read the essay.

A Tragic Tale of Irreconcilable Perceptions

A Tragic Tale of Irreconcilable Perceptions

“Most of the mistakes in thinking are inadequacies of perception rather than mistakes of logic”– Edward de Bono

It is a commonly known fact that the root of many people’s disagreements is the result of a difference in perception. Even if people have the same facts, the same amount of Click Here to continue reading.

Mattias Jonsson

These videos of Mattias Jonsson seem to have been largely overlooked. Although he isn’t very original in his tricks, I found his combination of new and old-school tricks meshed with an agressive style to be interesting and engaging. It’s a nice change from jugglers who look like druggies and think they’re artists. He does some neat skateboarding tricks as well. Click Here to continue reading.