Shall we starve Mexicans to fuel innovation?

Vinod Khosla (among many other people) wants the government to spend vast amounts of money to help along the production and adoption of ethanol. In other news, the Mexicans are having trouble buying corn to feed themselves because of existing ethanol production.
Cheap shot?
Maybe. But I have serious problems with Khosla and those like him. You Click Here to continue reading.

Essay of the Week: (2/4/07-2/10/07)

Our essay this week is not an essay properly speaking. Rather it is speech by Abraham Lincoln. It seem only fitting that as Lincoln’s birthday approaches that we should give him some space on our blog to defend himself against those who would argue that the South had every right to seceded. It would do well for people to listen to Lincoln’s own defense of Union as the South prepared to rebel before they make up their mind on the matter.


I thought it was pretty funny that the President of Romania had the gall to tell Bill Gates he was glad his country steals Windows. Long live free software! Or whatever. . .
Bill had nothing to say. Maybe he’ll buy Romania as a punishment.