The Teslenko’s have a very cool passing act. They only pass rings and clubs, but they know how to make an act interesting. It’s just a pity the camera man did such a poor job. My favorite part was the ending trick. I had an idea similar to that for a contest between jugglers, but Click Here to continue reading.
Monthly Archives: April 2007
Something to keep you awake at night….
If you are looking for something to worry about, read this paper called China’s Global Quest for Energy by Cindy Hurst (a Lieutenant Commander in the United States Navy Reserve). It is a bit of dense read, but well worth the time if you have not been keeping up on China has been doing lately.
It Click Here to continue reading.
A portrait of Insanity..
The Tatterdemalion is crazy. It is prerequisite in order to be a contributor to the Ethereal Voice. But on her sewing site, Tatterdemalion mostly reviews books and writes “how to” articles so her basic insanity does not come out as clearly as it might. Her most recent post goes a long way towards rectifying that….
Even those who care nothing for sewing might find it interesting to find out more about one of the editors of the Ethereal Voice.
Why you should worry about black stem rust fungus….
This from The New Scientist…..
An infection is coming, and almost no one has heard about it. This infection isn’t going to give you flu, or TB. In fact, it isn’t interested in you at all. It is after the wheat plants that feed more people than any other single food source on the planet. And because of cutbacks in international research, we aren’t prepared. The famines that were banished by the advent of disease-resistant crops in the Green Revolution of the 1960s could return, Borlaug told New Scientist.
The disease is Ug99, a virulent strain of black stem rust fungus (Puccinia graminis), discovered in Uganda in 1999. Since the Green Revolution, farmers everywhere have grown wheat varieties that resist stem rust, but Ug99 has evolved to take advantage of those varieties, and almost no wheat crops anywhere are resistant to it.
The strain has spread slowly across east Africa, but in January this year spores blew across to Yemen, and north into Sudan (see Map). Scientists who have tracked similar airborne spores in this part of the world say it will now blow into Egypt, Turkey and the Middle East, and on to India, lands where a billion people depend on wheat.
Of course to make matters worse, wheat stocks are low….
The threat couldn’t have come at a worse time. Consumption has outstripped production in six of the last seven years, and stocks are at their lowest since 1972. Wheat prices jumped 14 per cent last year.
The whole article is well worth reading.
The caged beast
Sheets of paper roll from the twin laser printers, Pick and Pack, reams of papers at a time. If left unattended over night, the paper can overflow the output tray and scatter into the room–well, on the Pack printer. The Pick printer can hardly ever get through a load of paper without jamming. During the Click Here to continue reading.
Considering my past history. . .
. . .Namely, my past history of craziness, and most specifically, of getting into a lot larger of a project than I ever intended. I don’t start out thinking “Let’s see how time-consuming and difficult a project I can come up with?” Actually, I usually start out thinking I am making a simple project. Sometimes Click Here to continue reading.
Finally, a Flashlight that is bright enough!
I guess this guy wasn’t content with the meager amount of light a typical flashlight with give you. He modified his to be so bright it can set paper on fire!
A Powerful flashlight
This guy made a flashlight that gives off 4000 lumens. That’s a lot.
This makes me mad…..
I am allowed to drive a car. I am allowed to use a chain saw. If I so choose, I can climb a mountain. But I am not allowed to drink raw milk (h/t Path to Freedom Journal)….
Richard Hebron, 41, was driving along an anonymous stretch of highway near Ann Arbor, Mich., last October when Click Here to continue reading.
This recipe calls to mind a fond memory….
This recipe for a cubed steak sandwich reminds me of the way that venison was served to some of us on a certain job. Man was that good. It was the best venison that I have ever had, although that may have had something to do with post hole digging and demo work we had been doing that day….