Silverware Thief 4.0

The long wait is now over. Silverware Thief 4.0 is here and in a day or two all traffic to will be redirecting to You can go there and check out the new site now, if you want. But before you do, and before I get into the gritty details of the website […]

Essay of the Week: 5/5/07-5/12/07

It is a shame that the works and life of Vaclav Havel are not better known. We are so use to what politicians are that we are unprepared for Havel. A politician who can actually think and has principles seems like something out of a fairy tale. We find it hard to believe even as we are face to face with the evidence.

This week’s essay of the week is short speech that Havel gave on what he thought were the deficiencies in the modern western political consensus. I don’t agree with him in every respect (you can see some of my thoughts on the same issue here and here) but I have to admire the evident thought he put into the problem.

If you want an idea of how well Havel’s philosophical thought translated into his politics you can read this piece from Reason Magazine.

Hidden Underground Facility

I thought this article about a hidden underground facility was so cool! Granted, if I had an underground facility I wouldn’t waste it by growing marijuana in it, but I still have to admire the dedication and skill it must have taken to build it. It even has escape routes!