Links for Today

How Late Blight came to be such a disaster and other things you might want to know.

A good explanation of how the unemployment rate can fall while at the same time the number of people with out jobs rises.

Relatively harmless right now. But wait until the cost of health really starts to bring down the government. Then this foot in the door will be expanded.

For all the typeface geeks.

Links For Today

Old News. But don’t miss the part on the end about raising fuel taxes. No tax like a regressive tax.

Not just the Chinese. It is also one of the reasons that banks are not lending to other people.

Most of you already saw this on Bit’er Pitter. But those that did not should not miss it.

Some sad news. At least for the nerds amongst us, there was no better source of hard data and, for that, almost any opinion he had could be tolerated.

Links For Today

It’s an epidemic.

Can the man do nothing right? You would think it would be in his own best interest to get this one right.

Who would have ever thunk that it would get this cheap? Granted it is only low earth orbit. Still, it seems too good to be true.

Just a reminder.

If a computer game is featured in the NY Times, you know it is bad. You could almost fool oneself into thinking that it would be fun to play the game until you get to the end of the review.