Monthly Archives: January 2010
Rant of the Week: 1/17/10-1/23/10
This week’s rant of the week is “Don’t give money to Haiti.”
Reading the comments would convince anyone that all conservatives/libertarians are greedy and self righteous and all liberals are stone cold stupid and driven completely by their emotions. The one thing that seems to unite Americans is their poor reading comprehension skills.
Essay of the Week: 1/17/10-1/23/10
This week’s essay of the week is actually a power point presentation called “Consequences Resulting from a Major Earthquake in the Central U.S. for the New Madrid Seismic Zone Conference”. Don’t worry about the parts that you can’t understand. Just keep on scrolling through until you get to the points that you do.
Links For Today
Poem of the Week: 1/10/09 – 1/16/09
Rant of the Week: 1/10/09 – 1/16/09
Essay of the Week: 1/10/09 – 1/16/09
You probably already sort of knew the things contained in this essay. But it is an interesting look at mental illness even so.
Cat and mouse
One of the managers–one of those types who likes to monologue–was telling me that when the plant manager comes to the daily meeting, everyone is posturing to make themselves look good, by making other people look worse if necessary. He said it becomes a useless meeting where everyone is tearing each other apart, and that he and other managers had tried to explain this to the plant manager.
I had to think of the time for a few months when it seemed like the plant manager had quit coming to the meetings and was no longer interested. The other managers were rarely seen, and the meeting devolved into little more than a handshake on the day’s work, with some friendly (or not so friendly) put-downs thrown in.
This is not the first time I have heard that the plant manager has no business in a meeting about the day to day operations. But I think he can only afford not to be there when someone else is going to take care of the business for him. Somehow it still seems to require the plant manager emphasizing that their are customers who want their orders shipped before people become really eager to solve problems. People may point fingers more when he is around, but they volunteer a lot more, too.
So this is when we say that the plant manager needs to work on his management team. But we say this after a year of multiple general layoffs that included the elimination of two management positions and the firing–sorry, sudden resigning–of another. And even aside from the volatility of these changes, we are speaking of the great gamble: whether you can get someone better than you have now. When ordinary budgetary approvals are going two and three levels up, and you are located far away from attractions for the business elite, it is no small thing to speak of improving the caliber of your management team.
Links for Today
Is the US punishing Georgia for helping Israel?
Should Iceland be punished? Read the comments, the answer is not as clear cut as you might think. On the other hand, you can’t get blood out of a stone, so what does the U.K really hope to accomplish?
And it should be noted that it is not quite accurate to say that Iceland’s president vetoed the measure to pay back the U.KIceland. At least, he did not veto it in the way that Americans think of the word veto.
Poem of the Week: 1/3/10-1/9/10
Invictus. Only because people should know the poem in light of its prominence in popular culture.