If you must think, do not strain yourself

A brilliant piece of unquestioning journalism. The big reveal:

Holbreich recently did a study, published in the Journal of Allergy and Clinical Immunology, which found very low rates of allergies among Amish children living on farms in Indiana. He says the reason may be because the children get exposed very early on to dirty environments, and to a variety of dust and germs. Even young kids are often in the barn, working with animals, and drinking raw milk.

“We think there’s something about milk,” Holbreich says. “That’s key, along with exposure to large animals, particularly cows.”

Scientists don’t know exactly what it is in raw milk, or in the barn, or on the cows, that helps boost the immune system. They’re researching that now. But Holbreich cautions against drinking raw milk or serving it to your child. It contains too many dangerous, disease-causing bacteria.

[Edit] H/T Art Sido.