Links for Today

Bible Lobbyist: We Can’t Print Bibles in America Anymore

Where Did Americans Move in 2019?

“For one thing, it’s an enormous amount of money, more than the final cost of bailing out the auto industry during the financial crisis of 2008. The auto industry bailout was fiercely debated in Congress. Yet the USDA created this new program out of thin air; it decided that an old law authorizing a USDA program called the Commodity Credit Corp. already gave it the authority to spend this money.”

Links for Today

Interesting considering the source: Secret Iranian Spy Cables Show How Qassim Suleimani Wielded His Enormous Power in Iraq

For those of you who were curious like me about what all shock and fuss was about but did not want to watch the thing. You have to scroll down a bit. Ricky Gervais’ Golden Globes 2020 opening monologue in full – and all his best jokes from the night

The inside story of how Iran’s top general was followed by his enemies from Damascus to Beirut, before meeting his demise in Baghdad

Links for Today

The Killing of Major General Qassem Soleimani | Initial Observations

Guess the State: “Doing a load of laundry takes about 40 to 50 gallons of water. Taking a shower for about eight minutes uses about 17 gallons of water. Well, there’s a limitation of your daily use of water, 55 gallons per day. So that means if you’re taking a shower and doing a load of laundry, you can’t do both without being in violation of the law.”

Weakness at home limits Khamenei’s options for revenge

Turkey’s operation in Libya: Targeting gas reserves

Links For Today

In this headline, “Found” is carrying a lot of weight that I am not sure it can support. Nonetheless, It is interesting in light of other indications for an infectious basis for at least some cases of Alzheimers. Tuberculosis Vaccine Found To Inadvertently Counter Alzheimer’s Disease

Capital New Delhi broke record for coldest December day in 119 years on Monday, compounding miseries of the homeless. This at the same time that Australia is burning up in part due to record heat.

IRS Reforms Free File Program, Drops Agreement Not to Compete With TurboTax