The first two are a good overview. The others go into more detail on various battles.
Monthly Archives: February 2020
Links For Today
Iowa Democratic Party releases 85% of caucus results but an error forces correction
DHS suspends New Yorkers from Global Entry, other programs
Don’t #BelieveAllWomen: The Truth About Johnny Depp and Amber Heard
The below clip is of interest because it is easy to assume that the superior speed of the “hero” was the result of camera tricks. I had to slow the video way down to see how he did this (and only after reading how much work he put in to making that happen)
Links For Today
Study claiming new coronavirus can be transmitted by people without symptoms was flawed
New Details Show How Deeply Iowa Caucus App Developer Was Embedded in Democratic Establishment
New study suggests 2019-nCoV may hit men, Asian people harder
There’s a Cancer Treatment That Gives People ‘Night Vision’, And We Finally Know Why
Links For Today
Links For Today
The EARN IT Act: How to Ban End-to-End Encryption Without Actually Banning It
CoronaVirus – FAQ, misconceptions, information, from a statistical perspective
Piss off America to win the support of Russia might be a plan. But pissing off America and Russia so as to be able to kill Syrians does not seem like much of a plan. Turkey says dozens killed in clashes with Syrian troops
Links For Today
Links For Today
Schiff: ‘We did.’
Sekulow: ‘Well then I don’t think we need any witnesses.’