Links For Today

This was a choice (The threat is to safe drinking water, not the water itself): Coronavirus-driven CO2 shortage threatens US food and water supply, officials say

A series of points that the pro-lockdown don’t want to face. Lockdown Socialism will collapse

The May contract for U.S. West Texas intermediate crude oil (CL=F), which expires on Tuesday, erased its entire value — plunging below zero for the first time in history before settling at -$37.63 per barrel.

Sweden Says Controversial Virus Strategy Proving Effective

The below clip is interesting if you want to hear an expert tell you what you already know.

Links For Today

I read a liberal site that likes to claim that the America’s testing failure is because we rely to much on the free market. Timeline: The Regulations—and Regulators—That Delayed Coronavirus Testing That same liberal site kept wanting the media to name and shame the contractor that provided the bad reagent. Turns out, the CDC containment the regent in their lab. Coronavirus tests were delayed by contamination at CDC lab, report says

Not really fair, because almost all countries have one urban area that was the source of most of their problems. But still interesting. Here’s How Much Downstate New York Is Skewing the United States’ Coronavirus Numbers

This was a choice. U.N. warns economic downturn could kill hundreds of thousands of children in 2020

Links for Today

They must have known this story was coming. 10 Dead, Hundreds Infected as State Psychiatric Facilities Become Another Crisis Point in Coronavirus Outbreak

This will still not stop people complaining about Florida opening up its beaches because people are stupid. Sunlight destroys virus quickly, new govt. tests find, but experts say pandemic could last through summer

I would guess they all had it and only some of them are still in the process of getting over it. Half of French aircraft carrier Charles de Gaulle crew test positive for COVID-19

After Repeated Failures, It’s Time To Permanently Dump Epidemic Models

Links For Today.

Problem with the Country Part One: if you live in a democratic state, be prepared to be locked down for a long time. Most Americans Worried Country Closed By Coronavirus Will Reopen Too Quickly, Poll Finds

Problem with the Country Part Two: This should not be news and should not be surprising anyone. But few people have been paying attention (or at least, reporting on) the data from Iceland, Italian studies, an cruise ships that said this was so. Never mind that the Chinese said this right from the beginning (although I understand that nobody trusts them). Coronavirus clue? Most cases aboard U.S. aircraft carrier are symptom-free Along the same lines and further showing that nobody is paying attention… CDC reviewing ‘stunning’ universal testing results from Boston homeless shelter

Sigh. Always asking questions and never coming up with answers. We can add all of Africa and number of other countries to this mystery. Why does India have so few Covid-19 cases and deaths?

Hot spots erupt in farm belt states where governors insist lockdowns aren’t needed

Links for Today

Emergency Powers Forever. ‘Significant’ coronavirus mutation discovered, could make vaccine search ‘futile,’ study says

I don’t necessarily think this is a bad thing, but just remember this when people compare our case load with other countries. I don’t think anyone else does it this way. US virus numbers now include probable cases without tests

Price controls caused a large part of the problem. Why There Aren’t Enough Masks, and How to Get More

I have been more or less ignoring this but it shocked me when the Washington Post got involved. They are a pain to link to so here is this instead. Sources believe coronavirus originated in Wuhan lab as part of China’s efforts to compete with US

I guess they all want to kill Grandma and have no soul. Fed-Up Michiganders Stage Massive Protest Against Whitmer’s One-Size-Fits-All Lockdown Also this When Will The Riots Begin?

File this one under things that I hope are true. The Lockdown Is Loosening Whether Government Likes It Or Not

Glad we don’t have to find out if they can get worse. Frontier files for bankruptcy, says its broadband service won’t get any worse

Links for Today

This was a choice. GOP Rep. Massie Warns US is ‘Weeks Away, Not Months,’ From Food Shortages

Another study that might go away because it is wrong think. Covid-19 epidemiological models and the Lombardy data

Power is hard to give up. California’s coronavirus reopening: Gavin Newsom’s six-point plan will alter daily life

By all published measures, Japan has been doing one of the best jobs of any country in the world. And still, the “public” wants more. Japan losing patience with government over COVID-19 response

Another study that no one will pay attention to. Taking STEM Courses Online Is Just As Good As In-Person Classes, Study Finds

Links For Today

This is the chart that people should be paying attention to. It tracks total mortality so it is better then charts that only track reported COVID deaths. It also allows you to see how bad COVID has been (or not as the case may be) compared to other recent (and by that I mean within the last 5 years) spike in the death rates. Weekly mortality as deviations from the baseline (Z-score) for the past 4½ years in the data-providing EuroMOMO partners, in four age groups.

More importantly is the effect it will have on olive oil. Deadly olive tree disease across Europe ‘could cost billions’

This was a policy choice. Not something the COVID virus did. But people don’t want to take responsibility. Coronavirus Has Broken America’s Food Supply

Bloomberg News Killed Investigation, Fired Reporter, Then Sought To Silence His Wife

If you look at total mortality, Sweden is doing even better. And Japan is doing better then almost any modern country. Not sure why people keep acting like Japan is doing something wrong. Why isn’t Sweden exploding?

Links For Today

Herd Immunity vs. Herd Mentality

Doctors at NYU Langone Health center conducted the largest study so far of US hospital admissions for COVID-19, focused on New York City. They found obesity, along with age, was the biggest deciding factor in hospital admissions, which may suggest the role of hyper-inflammatory reactions that can happen in those with the disease.

African nationals ‘mistreated, evicted’ in China over coronavirus

Kashkari Says U.S. May Face 18 Months of Rolling Shutdowns

Links For Today

This was very clarifying and well worth reading. In particular, this part cleared up a mystery for me from other reports…..

To look at immunity takes a while. For example, with swine flu we didn’t really know how many people had been infected for nearly 12 months after the event because you have to give everyone’s immune systems time to respond and it takes weeks before you get that secondary response. What you are looking for in tests to check immunity is for antibodies. There’s an immediate immune response, which says there’s a virus in your cells. From that innate response your body builds on that so that next time you meet the virus you should be immune, but it could be a month down the line before you have a proper IGb (immunoglobulin) response.

They don’t have a choice. They are running out of places to put the oil. Even the ships are filling up. OPEC and allies agree to cut oil production to nearly 10 million barrels a day

Kentucky State Police record churchgoers’ license plates at Hillview in-person Easter service Related: DOJ: ‘Expect Action’ to Protect Churches From Tyrannical Local ‘Social Distancing’ Orders

Links For Today

Preach it. Though I have to say that I suspect the the deaths wrongly attributed to COVID are balanced out by deaths due to COVID but not caught. Eight Reasons to End the Lockdowns Now

Article draws the wrong conclusions from a valid question. No one complained about the lack of evidence for 20-second hand-washing. So why did we treat face masks differently?

Similar story to one already posted, but this time from the UK instead of the US. Intensive care doctors question ‘overly aggressive’ use of ventilators in coronavirus crisis

Good to see this getting major media exposure, but other then that, nothing really new. Alex Berenson has been analyzing the data on the crisis on a daily basis for weeks and has come to the conclusion that the strategy of shutting down entire sectors of the economy is based on modeling that doesn’t line up with the realities of the virus.