Links For Today

My opinion has not changed. There are an extraordinary number of red flags, both street level witnessing of fraud and overall statistical anomalies in a few places with violate the basic laws of the universe levels of improbability. More on confirmed glitches.

Confirms the Armenians lost but it looks like Russia stepped in to limit the damage judging by the fact that there will be Russian “Peacekeepers” Armenia, Azerbaijan Agree to Nagorno-Karabakh Peace Deal

Maybe…. Good news on Pfizer vaccine;

Links For Today

Germany’s lockdown is already fraying

CORTES: The Statistical Case Against Biden’s Win

I am starting to get the sense that Armenia is losing. Armenia Says Fighting Continues for Key Karabakh Town

Headline is not quite true but close enough for Government Work. Biden’s COVID Task Force Includes Doctor who Wishes Biden Died 2 Years Ago

I post this because I don’t share this kinda of view point very often. I am not very sympathetic to it because it basically boils down to the argument that when science is confusing you have a moral duty to believe the experts. By the evidence presented in the post, I think the author is a classic case of being fooled by randomness. On Randomized Trials and Medicine

Links For Today

‘A decade of power’: Statehouse wins position GOP to dominate redistricting

Spread of mutated coronavirus in Danish mink ‘hits all the scary buttons,’ but fears may be overblown

I still don’t know if there was fraud. But I do know that shutting everyone who has concerns is only convincing people that they are right. I am more offended by how ham fisted, clumsy, and audacious the fraud to elect him is than the idea of Joe Biden being president.

Links For Today

Six days ago the headline (posted here just so I could come back an reference it) was that they were going run out of beds and be dying in the street. Just remember that next time you see a scary headline. Virus crisis in Belgium shows more signs of abating

Denmark is one of those countries that is supposed to be making Sweden look bad. Denmark tightens North Jutland restrictions in response to coronavirus mutation

NY Times: Cuban-American editor told readers to ‘get over’ Latinos voting for Trump and she’s being lectured for it


The big question prior to this election for me was who was living in reality and who was living in a delusional world? Ironically, it appears that the person with the best grasp on reality was Donald Trump’s own personal pollster.

You can see a comparison of predictions here.

Of course, conservatives are up in arms about the results regardless of the fact that Trump did far better then was predicated. Part of that is just the emotion of moment and of course the media is blaming Trump from stirring up those emotions without any solid proof. But while I could wish that Trump was more professional, the media is as usual doing a disservice to the country by focusing on that.

The real reason many conservatives are so sure they have been had is because of this…..

Not even pretending anymore

There may be a perfectly innocent explanation for it. But the media will treat anyone who raises any questions about this as being an enemy of Democracy and this will only convince the rank and file that support Trump that they have been had. If the media would do its job and report on this very strange happening they would do more to bring peace to the country then just saying that Trump is bad for claiming fraud without evidence.

One of the strange things about this election is that only group that Trump did worse then in the past was with White Males. This is not what I would have expected at all.

Links For Today

A collision in Oakland: Move to defund police meets a homicide…

Police hunt ‘multiple suspects’ after gun rampage and ‘suicide bomb explosion’ in streets of Vienna on city’s final night before lockdown

This week we will discover who is living in reality and who is not. I honestly have no idea. My gut tells me Trump will win but I could be the one who is not living in reality. Wargaming the Electoral College: Crunch Time Of course, there is always this reminder.