Links For Today


Mining Town Of Soledar Holds Against Latest Russian Onslaught

The Omicron Wave Hits the Countryside in China


Kevin McCarthy Elected 55th Speaker of the House. Here’s How It Went Down.

To prove that this was indeed the mechanism responsible for the durability of the Roman concrete, the team produced samples of hot-mixed concrete that incorporated both ancient and modern formulations, deliberately cracked them, and then ran water through the cracks. Sure enough: Within two weeks the cracks had completely healed and the water could no longer flow. An identical chunk of concrete made without quicklime never healed, and the water just kept flowing through the sample. As a result of these successful tests, the team is working to commercialize this modified cement material.

Links For Today


France’s Nuclear Power Output Rises, Easing European Energy Woes

29 killed in Mexico’s operation to arrest son of El Chapo

Trend toward Forced Electrification Resulted in Rolling Blackouts during Arctic Blast

Excitement among sky-watchers is building as a comet, not visible since the time of the Neanderthals, is heading towards Earth again.

This is the scandal: To our knowledge, this study is the first well-powered, placebo-controlled clinical trial to report results of zinc for the treatment of patients with COVID-19.

Intestinal bacteria may be an important piece in the jigsaw puzzle of multiple sclerosis

The researchers found that engaging in regular aerobic physical activity significantly reduced symptoms of depression in young people over 13 diagnosed with depression. The researchers also found that the activity had to be regular, such as three times a week, and it had to continue; otherwise, symptoms returned.

Links For Today

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 5, 2023

A reminder that people on all sides are actively censoring information that they think would be harmful to their cause. Sixty-eight percent supported the war. I was categorically opposed to publishing that poll. Our employees were horrified at first – we had spent money on it, which we as an institute don’t have much of.

North Korean Drone Entered No-Fly Zone Over President’s Office In Seoul

Culiacán has been turned into a war zone following a pre-dawn Mexican government raid that led to the arrest of Ovidio Guzmán López

“The power that we purchased did not show up, therefore, we were confronted with the hard truth that our energy demand would soon be eclipsed by our capacity,” stated Bowman. “At that time, we made the only decision that we could. For the first time in our company’s history, we began rolling service disruptions.”

Amazon job cuts increase to 18,000

Colorado Dem Governor Jared Polis to Send Migrants to Chicago and NYC

Hundreds of WordPress sites infected by recently discovered backdoor

What is most interesting is the top comment. Keep in mind that both the top comment and the main post are from the perspective of Professors already in the system. What is going wrong with American higher education?

The main thing I learned: And so, getting magical paper out of the till and into your wallet without it first visiting the bank saves the retailer money.

MIT engineers make filters from tree branches to purify drinking water

Fire Log #1: Winter Coat Fire

Last year Emily Sotelo was going to hike all 48 of New Hamsphire’s peaks before her 20th birthday. She got though 40 of them before dying on a hike. It was unexpectedly bad weather along with some rookie mistakes that killed her. From an article recounting her death…..

According to Kneeland, Sotelo wasn’t carrying any of the essentials that officials recommend for day hikes, even in the summer. No map, compass, or matches. No flashlight or headlamp, though her parents said she used her phone as a light and had a backup battery pack.

In her pack, she had granola bars, a banana and water that likely froze very early on, Kneeland said. She wore long underwear but only light pants and a jacket. She had heated gloves and a neck warmer but no hat. Her shoes were for trail running or trekking rather than insulated boots that are recommended for winter.

“I often refer to them as a glorified sneaker,” Kneeland said. “Low on the ankle, no ankle support. Probably what happened is, when you start post-holing in snow and underbrush, they get pulled off.”

Emily made a lot of mistakes as we all do (especially when we are young). But if she had the equipment and the knowledge of how to make a fire, the same ice covered trees that hindered the search party looking for her could have saved her life even with all the other mistakes she made. At least, that is theory behind why the Park Service in New Hampshire tells you to take matches with you when you go on a hike in the mountains.

Now when I was Emily’s age, I never had any equipment with me to start a fire either. These days when I am out and about I generally have something with me to start the fire. But all my fire starting has been done in good weather. When you actually need to start a fire, the weather is generally pretty bad or you would not need the fire. So how well would I do with what little knowledge I have and equipment I have on hand in less than ideal conditions?

To answers these questions, I intend to do one fire a week from the start of January through the end of March. I am not trying to teach myself anything exotic but rather to see how well what I “know” and what I have carries over to fire starting in winter weather. The goal is to try something new either in terms of conditions or in terms of equipment used every week. I also plan on timing each attempt just to have some kind of basis for comparison (and also because if you ever actually need a fire, you don’t have all day).

So with that preamble out of the way, below is my first fire report for the two fires I made on January 2nd 2023.

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Links for Today

Russian Offensive Campaign Assessment, January 3, 2023

Troop Loss Catastrophe In Donetsk Outrages Russia’s Military Bloggers

Some of them are meh but some of them are catastrophically crazy. Some of the Craziest California Laws Going Into Effect for 2023

Beef has gone done in price? And cell phones are down just because they adjust for “quality” which is semi legitimate but open to interpretation. US Inflation: How Much Have Prices Increased In 2022?

The spy agency origins of NASA’s next powerful planet-hunting observatory

Links For Today


In an interview with the Chosun Ilbo newspaper published Monday, Yoon said the United States’ existing “nuclear umbrella” and “extended deterrence” were no longer enough to reassure South Koreans.

According to the report, there are currently 1,280,000 ultra-Orthodox Jews living in Israel, making up 13.5 percent of the total population. The fastest growing community in the country, the ultra-Orthodox will represent 16 percent of the total Israeli population by 2030.

How Did EVs Handle America’s Arctic Blast?

The Wealth of Generations: Latest Update

Flash floods rush through Saudi Arabia as more severe weather expected