About exorcist

The Technical Exorcist is responsible for a large portion of the website maintenance.


I thought it was pretty funny that the President of Romania had the gall to tell Bill Gates he was glad his country steals Windows. Long live free software! Or whatever. . .
Bill had nothing to say. Maybe he’ll buy Romania as a punishment.

The Perils of Net Neutrality Legislation

Most of what people read about Net Neutrality are simple propaganda sites, and don’t even make an effort to be unbiased. A far better starting point for someone who is new to the Net Neutrality debate would be this article on the Washington Post. Jeffrey Birnbaum doesn’t take a stance on what the government should rule on this matter, but he does a pretty decent job explaining the issues, and why neither side is in the right.

Click Here to read more.

A Case Study on Why DRM is Bad News

You’ve probably heard a million rants against DRM (Digtial Rights Management) protected music, software, and hardware. You may have wondered if people were making a big deal out of nothing. Well, they aren’t. This letter I received a few weeks ago is a good example of what could very possibly happen to you if you continue to buy DRM infected files. Click Here to read the letter and my reply.

Finally Up and Running

It’s been almost a month since the other inhabitants of the Ethereal Land and I set up a private server to test our little project out on, and now we’re finally up and running in public webspace. It’s taken a lot of work on my part setting up back-end stuff, and helping the other’s get their spaces set up the way they wanted, but I’m pretty happy with our start. Click Here for the rest of the announcement.