Mirror Practical Joke

I found this video of a very elaborate practical joke via Dark Roasted Blend. Identical twins trick numerous passers by into believing they cannot see their reflections. Most of them seem very disturbed by this trick. I only wish it was in english, or had english subtitles so I could hear what they were saying.

This Little Piggy

Happy piggy, concerned responsible dog

One of the fun things about taking bicycle rides is you never know what you will come across. Sometimes you might see turkey vultures, other times . . . a pig.
Yes, this little piggy went to market. At least, he started that direction before he was sidetracked by the tasty leaves […]

I am trying to convince myself to buy Chief Architect

I have wanted to own Chief Architect for a long time. What other program will enable you to create beautiful models of everything from light commercial buildings to grand log homes? What other program will also enabled you to print out full construction docs (including electrical, plumbing, and HVAC) for those same buildings? What other Click Here to continue reading.