The Moravians

A little follow-up for those historically inclined.
In a previous post I wrote about the proto-protestants and Jan Hus as one of them. The followers of Jan Hus were initially called Hussites, but as time progressed there was strife and splits among them.
The Moravians were the result of such strife:

A contingent of Hus’s followers struck a […]

The Geese, Part 2

Who knew those cute little goslings would grow up to produce all that poop?
Well, I did.
Who knew you’d have to shovel geese poop off your driveway as you tried to sell your house?
Someone else did.
Wild geese and suburban life don’t mix.
Read the entire post here.

Those Darn Geese

Remember those neighborhood geese I wrote about previously? They have made themselves unwelcome.
I have watched with some amusement as the neighborhood has soured to the geese. I wonder how many of the local residents saw where things were headed when the geese took up residence. I’m not surprised at how it has turned out, but […]