How to make a ring from a quarter:
One can get very technical and make rings by smelting metal, pouring it into molds, and all sorts of other highly technical stuff. Which is all very neat, but requires a lot of effort, skill, and tools. The advantage, and coolness, of using a quarter is its simplicity.
I […]
Category Archives: Unapproved
It’s all in my head
Usually I try to avoid writing about the technical details of my work because it is basically talking to myself; I doubt most of you are very interested in the obscure quandaries of the trade. But I am going to indulge in those details today.
My database died. The error it was producing was no longer Click Here to continue reading.
Why I have not been Writing
For those few who check my blog regularly in the hopes that I have posted something new I thought I might explain a little why I have not be posting.
The heroic version is that I have been working lots of overtime. I mean, working over 16 hours without anything to eat but candy bars Click Here to continue reading.
Guess who bought Denver Fabrics?
The FAQ at Denver Fabrics has been updated to reflect it’s new owners. Does it look familiar? No? Maybe you’ve never checked the FAQ for this company.
My first clue was that the new promotionals that Denver Fabrics was sending out had a decidedly familiar ring to them. And then I noticed that the layout for Click Here to continue reading.
An Unrepentant Rant
Genocide and hard work made this country what it is. Sloth and wealth are making this country into something else. Some people think that this change is a good thing. I don’t.
I know that the ghosts of the dead Native Americans haunt our historical consciousness. I can still hear the echoes of the slavers’ chains Click Here to continue reading.
Long Sword form's demonstrated in action
Digital History: Presenting The Past on The Web
A while ago I stumbled across this website:
It is a book presented as a website. As they say,
This book provides a plainspoken and thorough introduction to the web for historians—teachers and students, archivists and museum curators, professors as well as amateur enthusiasts—who wish to produce online historical work, or to build upon and improve the […]
The Revenge of a Construction Crew.
I don’t know if this story is true or not, but I have worked with guys who might have done something like this. But I find it hard to believe that cops would have let people get away with doing something like this.
The One Thing That Worries Me About Click Here to continue reading.
Unlike most cough medicine, honey actually works
With many children’s cough syrups being pulled from the market because they don’t work, an old folk remedy — honey — may work just as well or better, researchers report.
In a study of kids having trouble sleeping because of cough, a research team at Penn State College of Medicine compared the effectiveness of a little bit of buckwheat honey before bedtime versus either no treatment or dextromethorphan (DM), the cough suppressant found in many over-the-counter cold medicines.
“Honey provided the greatest relief of symptoms compared with the other treatments,” concluded lead researcher Dr. Ian Paul, Penn State’s director of pediatric clinical research.
Tower of Bureaucracy
Someone recently asked my help in figuring out what tariffs applied to the fabric they wanted to import. I balked, because that’s not really a fabric question—that’s a red-tape question, and bureaucracy is not my specialty. He insisted, and so—after making it quite clear I was no expert and not in the least bit interested Click Here to continue reading.