Little bit of history on how stupid laws came to be.
Insane work out. But the most insane part is that a 75 year old guy does it.
Little bit of history on how stupid laws came to be.
Insane work out. But the most insane part is that a 75 year old guy does it.
Some good health care graphs with an important warning at the end.
This week’ s poem of the week is The City in the Sea by Poe.
Sippican Cottage adds the force of his wit to the points made by this week’s essay of the week.
How American Health Care Killed My Father is one of the best essays you will ever read on the American health care system. If you keep up on health care issues in American, it is likely that no single issue that he raises will be new to you. But even if this is the case, it is still worth reading for the way that he puts it all together.
I can easily believe that a cool temperature usually helps people sleep because I find the most delicious sleep is usually in quite cool temperatures with warm blankets.
Today’s gospel is tomorrows myth. Until the day after that. Maybe.
Keep running, if you enjoy it.
A depressing song.