I clipped this from The Wall Street Journal, the February 23, 2007 Review: Theater. The picture is credited to Paul Kolnik, but this is only a small piece of that photo. (The play being reviewed was ‘Salvage’.) I like what they did with the shoulders.
Author Archives: tatterdemalion
Mary wore a red dress, red dress. . .
(The title is reference to the book I learned how to read on, so you probably won’t “get” it.)
The picture has been clipped from The Economist, the article Medical statistics: Signs of the times.
Isaac's Stylebook
When I first read about Isaac Mizrahi’s Style Book magazine, I was doubtful that I would find it the slightest bit interesting. I’m not exactly a “style” kind of person–I don’t follow fads or fashion, don’t have money, and don’t care. I figured it would be another magazine telling you how to spend a lot Click Here to continue reading.
Start ?em young. . .
My youngest sister likes to crash my sewing sessions. Sometimes literally, her only goal being to side-track me, or bug me. (I’m not being mean, there, she is quite intelligent enough to deliberately bug people just see their reactions. And skilled enough to be good at it.) Yesterday, she actually wanted to do something. She’s Click Here to continue reading.
Dresses and dresses.
In the introduction, this site says:
Do you too suffer from an oversized ego? Does it need to become a bit smaller? Then join our club. Get rid of your identity and sew your own clone-dresses, just like we do!!
The funny thing is, it then goes on to show many different women wearing this one dress, all of whom have obvious amounts of ego or identity, and all of whom look totally different from each other. I’m not 100% certain whether this irony was intended or not. (It’s a flash site, so I can’t link to different portions of it. Click on “introducing” to see the intent of the project, and “results” to see all the pictures.)
The site is interesting to look, both in the variations on the dress and the variations in the people and their personalities, and even just that some of the shots have been composed very well. I think it’s fascinating to see how everyone’s “statement” becomes so much clearer in contrast to everyone else. Everyone has the “same” dress, but everyone is using it to deliberately say something different. A very wide range of people are covered: the goofy, the artsy, the trashy, the sophisticated, the “normal”, the ethnic, the sporty, the contemplative—the whole display is like looking at a slice of humanity.
Of the almost 150 images they had, I think this one was my favorite:
I’m not sure what part catches me the most. I’m not sure if it’s the setting–working outdoors–of which I have very fond memories of myself. Maybe it’s the apparent wind–I love being out in the wind. Or maybe it’s just that she appears so happy to be who she is, where she is, doing what she’s doing. In any case, the picture makes me smile every time I see it, and we can all use a smile in the middle of winter.
Dear Jo-Ann?s. . .
I would like to suggest a proposal that would greatly improve customer relationships.
I propose to call down fire and brimestone and turn the entire franchise into nothing more than a sulferous wasteland, with a special salt pillar for every Jo-Ann’s policy maker.
I can totally affirm from my time spent in Jo-Ann’s stores that this Click Here to continue reading.
Moving Darts to the Side Seams
In the comments of my last post, Rita said she still had a hard time understanding moving darts to the side seam, so this is a more detailed explanation. Again, I think it will be helpful for you work the examples shown with your own paper.
Here’s our new piece of paper.
You can see I’ve marked Click Here to continue reading.
Crash Course in Dart Moving
Someone by the name of Lola asked for help in figuring out how dart moving works; as such, I’ve tried to answer her specific questions. If someone else has a specific question that isn’t answered here, please let me know. (And Lola, if this doesn’t clear things up for you, let me know!)
It can be Click Here to continue reading.
Is the horse dead yet?
Having recently read a bit about Poiret, I was quite familiar with the subjects mentioned in yesterdays (Feb. 1, 2007) “The Shape of Clothes to Come” article (in the “Personal Journal” section). By the absurdities of the fashion cycle, designers are getting ready to show their products for Fall 2007, next week. To quote the Click Here to continue reading.
On why I?m not sewing. . .
I have mentioned, in passing, my first attempt at sewing. I bought cheap cotton fabric, whose pattern I loved. I got a simply designed dress pattern. I took my measurements. I prepared to cut out my fabric–and I got cold feet. Suppose I had picked the wrong size? So I started to make a muslin. Click Here to continue reading.