Union President: I will cripple you

I can’t believe this strike is going to happen as I would have thought the fear of a Trump victory would have caused the powers that be to pull out all the stops. But this guy don’t seem like he is going to back down. If you don’t have the time to watch the whole thing, just watch the section from 5:19 on... That said, I think the entire video is worth watching just to understand how he thinks.

A Review Of The US Fiscal Situation

In all the fuss and bother about the coming presidential election, there has been remarkably little talk about skyrocketing US deficit and the resulting skyrocketing interest’s payments. Regardless of who is president, these are going to be the things that govern what the ruling class can do. But these concerns still don’t factor into the political discourse although they are starting to come up with increasing frequency in the financial press. So I want to take step back from all the political drama and review the essay “Why you should panic about the US Deficit” that I wrote in September of last year.

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