Links For Today


The Criminal Order Beneath the ‘Chaos’ of San Francisco’s Tenderloin

The Trains Keep Running Despite the War

Extreme heat and humidity kill thousands of cattle in Kansas

‘The economy is going to collapse,’ says Wall Street veteran Novogratz. ‘We are going to go into a really fast recession.’

Coldest start to winter in decades for eastern Australia with power grid under strain

Italy May Declare State Of Alert If Russian Gas Cuts Persist

Links For Today


Israel Is Blocking (Military) Aid To Ukraine

The Natural Gas Continues to Flow

Police knew of wounded at Texas school while waiting

FBI Arrests Michigan Republican Gov Candidate on J6 Misdemeanor Charges On Day Committee Primetime Show Airs

What’s behind Okinawans’ falling life expectancy?

it looks like this weekend the national average will break $5 for the first time ever

Researchers warn that eye damage caused by screen time can be deadly

Ukraine Relying Heavily on Heavy Weapons from the West

New Trend For Young Chinese: Give Up And “Let it Rot”

Links for Today


“Moles in the dark”: survival and escape from the Mariupol steelworks

The Baby Formula Nightmare

Short-term use of ibuprofen may increase chance of chronic pain, study suggests

Direct Instruction Works. So Why Is It Controversial?

COVID-19 shutdown causes surprise global shortage of ‘contrast fluids’ used in CT scans, X-rays and MRIs

Russia Cuts Gas Supply To Seized German Gazprom Unit

Wheat futures soar after lower USDA harvest estimate

Texans asked to limit electricity use after six power plants go down ahead of a hot weekend

At least 10 killed in shooting at Buffalo supermarket in the US

Links For Today


US Intel Helped Ukraine Target Russian Generals

Tensions Mount in the Balkans as Bosnia and Herzegovina Threatens to Fracture

Japan’s Ruling Party Proposes Counter-Strike Capabilities

Russia’s oil output is plummeting, and the decline is expected to worsen in May.

We take a tour of Helsinki’s fortifications with an eye on a possible Russian invasion as it prepares to join Nato

Federal Reserve Raises Interest Rates by Half-Point in Biggest Hike Since 2000

Revisiting Mitch Daniels’ “Truce” on Social Issues

Boeing is moving to Arlington

Links For Today


The Orbán Problem

When I was young I had plans to eventually get a diesel vehicle. I changed my mind because I saw this coming. Long before the current crisis, the government started down the path of rendering diesel useless. Not there yet but getting there fast. Diesel prices soaring beyond crude, gasoline — and likely to stay that way

European Port Workers Are Refusing To Unload Russian Diesel

Alabama public health worker mauled to death by pack of dogs

The deadly accordion wars of Lesotho

Rumor that I would not even link to except that he does not look healthy.

Links For Today


The Problem with the Donbas

Zinc Is Facing A Massive Supply Squeeze

Bergstrom Airport Running Out Of Jet Fuel?

With the World’s Attention on Ukraine, Suffering Is Rising Elsewhere

China’s factories were hit harder this quarter than last year as Covid drags on

The elite view on a utopia.

Automakers, Suppliers Battle Shanghai Shutdown

Arizona faces a reckoning over water

US introduces gender-neutral ‘X’ passports

Disney’s general entertainment content president Karey Burke vowed at the meeting to make at least half the characters in the company’s productions LGBTQIA and racial minorities by year’s end

Links For Today

The downfall of Russia’s oligarchs


Russian Envoy at Nuclear Talks: ‘Iran Got Much More Than It Could Expect’

US, European allies considering coordinated ban on Russian oil imports: Blinken

When rebounding oil demand began pushing benchmarks higher last year, forecasters and traders alike watched the U.S. shale patch with bated breath to see when drillers would start drilling again. Most didn’t. The ones that did were the smaller, privately held players.

UK Intelligence suggests that Russia has taken to trying to disguise fuel trucks because of heavy losses.

Elon Musk says SpaceX focusing on cyber defense after Starlink signals jammed near Ukraine conflict areas

Are you smarter than a Ukrainian?

The familiar old judgmental feeling welled up in my heart when I saw news report after news report of Ukrainians forming longs lines to take money out of the bank and looking for food and water to buy the day that Russia invaded. Didn’t they know this was coming? Why were they in a panic to get a stockpile of food and water now?

In a chartable mood, I can sympathize with not trusting America’s intelligence agencies and thinking that Putin was not crazy enough to do what he has done. Maybe I would have been in the same camp if it had not been for some people smarter than me walking me through the available open source information and what it meant from a military perspective. And how many people in Ukraine have the time and inclination to collect the sources of information that I read?

Regardless of whether you are charitable or not, the fact remains that a lot of Ukrainians completely failed to see this coming.

If disaster strikes your country, are you going to be one of those people in a panic trying to buy food in a rapidly emptying grocery store? Or do you think you are smarter then all those Ukrainians who totally failed to see this coming and you will be smart enough to stock up before the general panic sets in?

Of course, there is a third alternative. You could just assume that you don’t know what is going to happen in this crazy world and try to set aside some kind of kit to prepare for the kinds of emergencies that strike this world from time to time. On that note, I read with interests that the Israelis are sending a hundred tons of humanitarian aid composed of…..

“water purification kits, medical equipment as well as drugs, tents, blankets, sleeping bags and additional equipment for civilians who are not in their homes in the cold winter weather”

It sounds very similar to the equipment list I laid out as part of my Yuppie FEMA plan. If you had the all the gear as laid out in that plan, you would be pretty well set up to throw it all in the car and flee. If I felt compelled to do that, the main additional things I would wish I had were a tent, a few full gas cans to extend the range of my vehicle, and a way to charge my cell phones without running my vehicle.

Hopefully, we will never experience a crisis on the scale of what Ukraine is going through now. But you should always remember all the people in Ukraine who held on to that hope without doing anything all the way up to the point when it became a certainty. Maybe that memory will keep you from being just like them.

The Problem With Masonry Stoves

On the The Rural Working Class FEMA Plan, Deirdre commented….

One thing I often think about is how it would be nice to have an oven. Obviously, worst case scenario, you can bake bread directly over coals, and we probably wouldn’t have the yeast for anything other than flatbread, anyway. But in my imagination, it would be nice to have a nice, woodheated oven…. Even if it was just a fairly short power outage, where running out of food wasn’t a concern, if the generator stopped working, we wouldn’t be able to bake anything. But baking things isn’t a survival necessity, it’s just nice to have. You can live without brownies.

In around about way, this brings up a topic that I did not address in my FEMA series. And that topic is there are lots of cheap things that would be nice to have if society goes all third world on us that I did not talk about or consider because they take a lot of skill to use. I tried to include only things that I imagined would still be useful even if you had little or no skill. And even though masonry stoves are not that hard to build, they do take a fair amount of skill to use. It might be just because I am incompetent at such things, but I would guess that it would take me more then a month to get half way proficient with a wood fired masonry oven. The below video demonstrates some of those issues……

Now some of the David the Good’s problems are because he is always broke and trying to do things as cheap as possible. A roof and more brick would have helped somewhat. And obviously one of his complaints is related to just his climate. But his complaints about the difficulties of cooking with it are going to be the same everywhere.

Of course, people who are more dedicated and less cash constrained can do a much better job then David the Good did. Take a look at these pictures for a oven build that uses far less wood and requires far less maintenance then David the Good’s oven. But it also required a lot more skill and knowledge to build (not to mention money, although I would guess the biggest cost was in the shelter that was built over it). Here is video of a cheap version with little thermal mass version of the stove those pictures in operation.

Another thing to keep in mind is that you can bake a lot of things with Dutch ovens with a regular fire beyond the bread the Deirdre mentioned. Below is Paul Harrell making a fairly fancy thanksgiving meal outdoors with Dutch ovens. From a disaster perspective he is cheating by using charcoal but that is because he under a time crunch and working by himself. To duplicate this with wood, you would need someone dedicated to the fire while someone else was cooking and the person tending the fire would need to get started enough in advance of the cook that the fire had a good bed of coals.

Note how much skill and experience goes into making things. The cost of his Dutch ovens is not all that high. But the time investment to figure out how to use them is considerable.

And for those who doubt that Paul’s example has much bearing on a “survival” setting, below is a video of someone doing the same kind of thing in a “survival” setting.

Obviously his meal is not as elaborate but as you can see he uses all the same basic methods.

The bottom line is that there are number of ways you can have an “oven” to bake brownies in (provided you have the supplies to make the brownies). The constraint is not so much monetary as it is time it takes to learn how to do it successfully.