The Education of the Normans

This video is not in the Educate Deb series and can only be appreciated by people who have some knowledge of English history. If you know what happened during the battle of Battle of Agincourt, if you know your Shakespeare well enough to know who Henry V was, and if you know what Henry V connection to the Normans was, and you have 12 minutes to spare, then you may be interested in watching this short video on how the Normans got educated.

Granted, this is just one interpretation of the battle but it is a plausible one. It strikes me as an obscure battle that had a larger affect on history then many would think (although undoubtedly this was not the only time that the Normans had to learn this lesson).

Not in the News…..

The fatal mistake: Hospitals and providers agreed to take cuts after the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act passed in 2010, because they assumed that the law would increase the number of people with insurance and decrease the number who couldn’t pay their hospital bills.

A dark and dirty war that may one day hit you right in the gas tank: At the same time, however, there are many details available already that lend weight to their claims with regards to fighting in or around Najran, even if the Houthi’s assertions about the total number of Saudi casualties, and personnel and equipment they captured, remain dubious. The presence of LAV-25s, for example, strongly indicates that members of the Saudi Arabian National Guard (SANG) were among those in the convoy that the Houthis attacked.

It is fun to pick on crazy people but it don’t accomplish anything. The example of perfectly crafted dissent that I’d like to submit here appears in this video from Massachusetts local TV news, showing some reactions to the fly-posting of white sheets of paper bearing the statement ‘Islam is right about women’. The reactions are deeply revealing. Nobody can clearly point out why they object to the statement – indeed, nobody seems to object to the statement at all on its face. Yet most seem to express offence at it – if a little unconvincingly.

Rare good news that is not reported.

Coming soon to a state near you.

Joe Biden recounting how he got the prosecutor fired.

News for Today (4/25/17)

Japan Made Secret Deals With the NSA That Expanded Global Surveillance. I could not have guessed how this article was going to end. It starts off as a perfectly reasonable if boring story and by the end of it I was groaning in pain.

Mali’s Desert Climate Is the Doom of Armored Vehicles. Everyone seems to have forgotten this place but it is one of many places that the western powers are setting on to try to keep the world from blowing up.

Phoenix Point is now crowdfunding: we spoke to Julian Gollop about standing out in a post-XCOM world. I am skeptical, but it looks more interesting then I would have thought.

News for Today (4/17/17)

Bogus News Story Of The Day

Such end-of-days gloom is puzzling. Near 10 percent unemployment and near invisible growth cannot explain it.

The tone deafness of the above sentence was really jarring to me. Technically the above link is for an opinion column so I should not be calling it a bogus news story. But its complete tone deafness exemplifies the reason that people in the New York Times don’t get the political trends that are sweeping the western world. France has double the unemployment of the US and a very high youth unemployment rate (around 25%). But the author says that those things can’t be the main problem because France is such a cool place to live. And it is if your are wealthy or upper middle class who have good jobs. But those are not the people fueling the anger he is trying to understand.

In The News

Against all odds, a leftist soars in French election polls

Navy SEAL drug use “staggering,” investigation finds

Mrs. Custer’s Tennyson

Not In The News But Should Be

Nothing for today.

Entertainment of the Day

News for Today (4/11/17)

Bogus News Story Of The Day

To feed Upstate NY beer industry, state’s barley growers need U.S. aid, Schumer says

In The News

Toshiba warns it may not survive crisis

Japan’s population to shrink by a third by 2065

Two Days Inside the Battle for West Mosul

Idaho’s $4.3 Million Solar Project Generates Enough Energy to Run ONE Microwave Oven

Not In The News But Should Be

FDR’s War Against the Press

Entertainment of the Day

News for Today (3/28/17)

Bogus News Story Of The Day

I recommend reading this closely, looking for the weasel words: “Fact Check: Trump Misleads About The Times’s Reporting on Surveillance,” by Linda Qiu.

In The News

‘Bro, I’m Going Rogue’: The Wall Street Informant Who Double-Crossed the FBI

A Norfolk doctor found a treatment for sepsis. Now he’s trying to get the ICU world to listen. I is skeptical, but I would like this to be investigated a little more even if only to debunk it.

Why American Farmers Are Hacking Their Tractors With Ukrainian Firmware

Not In The News But Should Be

Starving Yemen to Death. Mr. Larson has a strong political ax to grind that I find off putting. That said, if we had a real news media you would here more about Yemen at the very least. Even aside for humanitarian concerns, what is going on there has the possibility of effecting us all for years to come.

Entertainment of the Day

Spiders could theoretically eat every human on Earth in one year. This is a kinda of bogus story that is typical of the Washington Post. Still, it is a nice collection of “facts” to keep on hand for use on those with certain phobias.

News for Today (3/27/17)

Bogus News Story Of The Day

This one is a real blooper and I cannot let it pass by. These things are so common I get tired of calling them out but at least you can get amusement out of how shocked Tyler is that the New York Times would get it so wrong.

In The News

Mossad Reportedly Turned French Spies Into Double Agents After Joint Syria Op

Roadside bombs kill 10 Egyptian soldiers

India meat crackdown leaves butchers concerned

California Earthquakes: San Andreas Fault Could Cause Coast To Instantly Sink Below Sea Level

Not In The News But Should Be

The narrative that Russia — a country with an economy smaller than Italy — smaller than New York State’s — will take over the world is less compelling than than the alternative thesis: that the tide of chaos is rising across the planet.

Entertainment of the Day

Nothing for Today.

News for Today (3/20/17)

Bogus News Story Of The Day

Nothing for today.

In The News

Wiping out crime: face-scanners placed in public toilet to tackle loo roll theft

Deadly, drug-resistant Candida yeast infection spreads in the US

Demonetisation Was Bad Economics But as an Act of Vigilantism it Served Modi Well Politically. Don’t know if I buy the explanation but I certainly find the whole situation puzzling.

Not In The News But Should Be

The Dangerous Precedent Set by Judicial Attacks on Trump’s Travel Ban

Entertainment of the Day