The Life and Death of Wasil, the Taliban-Hunting Child Warrior. I am not sure how much of this story is true and how much of it is tall tale told to the credulous. But to a certain extent, it does not matter to me. Even the tall tales told to credulous Westerners are sometimes more informative then bland narratives told to us by people safe in their hotels and using press briefings as their primary source of material.
The High Cost of a Home Is Turning American Millennials Into the New Serfs. My sympathy is dented by the fact that millennials are most likely to support policies that make their problems worse (i.e. restrictions on house building and the like). Also, as a group, they are awful picky about the types of jobs that they will do. This plays in to their lower incomes although it is not the only factor (another not often noted contributors is that rich people have few to no kids so millennials are more likely to be a from poor broken homes then previous generations).
Federal Court Basically Says It’s Okay To Copyright Parts Of Our Laws. This has always irritated me immensely because most of the laws that effect me professionally are Copyrighted and you have to spend big bucks to get copies of them. Of course, it is my employer that has to pay, but it still bugs me.
Entertainment of the Day
Hobbyist made video that I am re-purposing to be a morality play about February. Not really all that good but it seems to fit.
The one of the problems with all the movies David Belle stars in is that it just does not seem credible that the thugs can stay with him for as long as they do.
Was Snowden a Russian Agent? In the conservative press the answer is assumed to be yes. This article presents a different view. I think you have to be naive to think that he has not told them what they wanted to know now. But I doubt he was controlled all along. I don’t think the Russians would have wanted the drama from an agent they controlled.
Italy’s Growing Refugee Problem Main take away: Despite a warning from former Prime Minister Matteo Renzi, other EU countries have shown little willingness to cooperate. Shortly before his resignation, he said his country “would not get through another year like this.”