You don’t make a professional army in one year or two. The poor fellows in the below video had to prove that it is not only the Russians that can be stupid.
A less emotional but more narrow look at the same attack.
You don’t make a professional army in one year or two. The poor fellows in the below video had to prove that it is not only the Russians that can be stupid.
A less emotional but more narrow look at the same attack.
I still find it hard to believe that the Russians were as dumb as this explanation makes out but this is the only theory that explains why both the Russians and the Ukrainians were not ready for this flood.
Here is a more detailed look at the damage to dam.
I don’t understand this at all. Who really benefits from this? The only thing I am pretty sure of is that it was not done by “shelling” as Russia is accusing Ukraine of doing.
Edit: They took down the video I posted this morning. Here is a new one.
The example of underwater gas lines in the above video is unfortunate because there is a good chance that Ukraine did that but there is very little chance that Ukraine blew this up.
So much of what they tried to teach me is in the below video from Ukraine. Granted, were were being trained to do things in austere environments and not combat but we were taught to improvise litters and we did do carries and how to swap out while in motion. Our evacs were easier but I am not sure what my teachers would have made of the splint. Hard to tell from the video but it does not look like they put much effort into forming it. But then, they were under fire…..
The below speech by Prigozhin is the polite one. The impolite one can’t be shown on youtube but you can see it here.
Ukraine as a culture and a people are going to cease to exist in a couple of generations regardless of what Russia does. It was for this reason that I did not believe that Ukraine would fight so hard against the Russians. Why would a nation that was going extinct voluntarily react so strongly to the loss of their sovereignty? I never figured that so many only sons would lay their lives down with their soon to be childless mothers cheering them on. This was one of the things on my mind when I stated in my last post that I have been almost completely wrong about the human element of the Ukraine War.
But being wrong about the human element does not change the underlying demographic realities that I based my opinion on. And those demographic realities have consequences even if people don’t react to them like I think they will.
Below is the what the current demographic structure of Russia looks like (you can click on the picture to get a bigger view). Pay careful attention to how many people are between the ages of 16 and 26 compared to the number of people between the ages of 30 and 40.
By Rickky1409 – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
Compare the above graphs with the one below (again you can click on it to get a better view). The below graph is what Russian demographics looked like before the Germans invaded. You can see they had a large cohort of young people just waiting to come on-line and get thrown into the meat grinder.
By Rickky1409 – Own work, CC BY-SA 3.0
But the above demographics are still messed up. That is because Communists are bad people and they had a great famine followed by a great terror. The below is a more natural population pyramid and it comes from 1929 which is just before the commies really messed things up with famines and terror. It still has a gap in it from Word War 1, but it is the type of population pyramid that the idea of mass conscription was built around.
By Rickky1409 – From excel file, CC BY-SA 3.0
We have been looking at Russia because it is easier to get historical data. But Ukraine is practically the same. If anything the disappearance of the youngest children is even more pronounced but that may be because Russia has more ethnic minorities still having kids.
By sdgedfegw – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
If you really want a dramatic demonstration of the destruction of the Ukrainian nation (prior to anything the Russia did) click on the below GIF.
By Kaj Tallungs – Own work, CC BY-SA 4.0
This is why when you see videos of the combatants in this war it is striking how many of them are in their 30s or 40s. Neither nation has a choice. If they sent masses of 18 year old’s like the US did in Vietnam, they would not have enough to make a proper army. Even Russia, with its much bigger population, would be at risk of destroying its future if it only sent young people to battle. And Ukraine likely has to destroy its future and pull in older men just to have a chance at staying in the fight.
Long term, it really don’t matter what happens on the battle field. Neither nation is going to be around (at least as we know them today) for very much longer. If you look at the very bottom of both countries population pyramids, there is next to nothing there and that will carry forward into the next generation after that and so on on and so forth. It will only take a couple of generations of that for both nations to have next to nothing in terms of population. And the war will only speed that process along.
(Warning: This is entirely too long for the level of insight provided. The only real value in reading this is if you are curious as how the brain of the Ape Man works when confronted by a mystery).
I have proven that I have no understanding of the human element behind the Ukraine war. In fact, my understanding is so poor it has been almost a good guide in reverse as to what was going to happen. In other words, based on my past performance you would do well to think that the people involved will act in a way that is the exact opposite of what I think they will do. So why have I been so wrong?
It is tempting to throw up my hands and say that the Russians (or at least Putin) are irrational and that is why their behavior does not conform to my expectations. But even irrational people are predictable once you get to know them. Putin has been around long enough and lead Russia in enough conflicts that I thought I knew what the pattern of his behavior looked like. If you look at the conflicts in Chechnya, Georgia, Syria, and the earlier Ukraine conflicts it seems like a clear pattern becomes apparent.
The pattern seems pretty simple. First you prepare the justification for what you are going to do all the while denying that you are going to do it. Then you use overwhelming force carefully calibrated to be as risk free as possible to accomplish limited objectives. Last, you seek to reach some kind of accommodation that will end the conflict on sustainable terms. Russianphiles would probably argue with first part of this pattern and Russianphobes would object to the last part of this pattern, but to my eyes it still does a pretty good job of describing all of the recent conflicts that Russia has had save the most recent one.
A first draft of the history but it does not seem too wrong based on what we all saw with our eyes. It does indicate that Ukraine survived the initial attacks based on individual initiative rather then any competency of the central government. There was no excuse for Ukraine to be surprised like it was when the entire world heard them being warned.
Back on November 12th, Reporting From Ukraine predicted that the next target of the Ukrainian military would be the Kinburn peninsula. I did not think that this was anything other the Ukrainian forces trying to worry the Russians because it seemed crazy to me that they would try to attack the Russians across a body of water. Today all the pro-Ukrainian U-tube channels that I regularly watch are showing videos like this one….
It is still not clear that this is anything other then a raid (Russia says that it destroyed all the attackers for what that is worth). But Ukraine is sure getting a lot of people’s hopes up if it is only a raid.
Here is Reporting from Ukraine trying to assuage the concerns of people like me who do not think this is tactically sound.
I am not convinced myself. Crossing in little rubber boats is not the same thing as having heavy lift boats needed for really resupply. Also, I see no discussion of Russian Air Power.
If this all works out as being portrayed, it is a sign of how much the Russian military has been degraded. But I am still not convinced the goal is take ground. I think it is possible that the primary motive is to mess with Russian heads.